Sustainability Statement & Policy
With sea levels rising, rainfall patterns changing, storm strengths increasing and huge forest fires more prevalent, we have never been more aware that action is needed to save our planet. Reducing the impact of our retail business on the environment is one way to help our planet. It has also the added benefits of reducing costs, as well as increasing efficiency. We are keen in adopting important policies at this early stage of business as this will allow the us to grow in right direction with this core values at heart.
Here are three of our main focuses on making La Para London greener.
Brands and Products
La Para London currently offer hundreds of products from a range of brands across the globe. Our current focus is on the emerging trend of consumers seeking eco-friendly products. Having looked through our inventory and brand commitments, we have identified brands that provide recyclable and/or reusable materials and packaging in their products, or at least, have a sustainability initiative in place. As of April 2022, 66% of the 54 represented brands on our platform have either sustainable eco-friendly products/packaging or an initiative in place. Our aim is to increase this percentage to at least 80% by the end of 2022.
Reportedly, when choosing between products and brands, 84 percent of Gen-Z consumers will choose the one that has the greater social or environmental benefit as purpose and sustainability are only trending upward in importance.
Packaging & Waste Reduction
Our packaging facility uses recyclable postal boxes and eco-filler for all orders. To reduce waste, we have adopted a policy of not including printed receipts, invoices or media in our packages to customers. Any documentation for customers will be sent via email or text messaging service. Boxes and other packaging materials received by distributors and suppliers, will be re-used and re-purposed for sending orders to customers.
The UK’s retailers commit to #BeatTheReceipt’s Paperless Pledge, to reduce the amount of paper wasted in retail. By signing the pledge, we commit to removing printed paper receipts in packaged orders from April 2022 and ensuring these documents are available via email or download from customer account dashboard. Previously, orders would automatically include a delivery note, receipt/invoice in their package regardless of whether the customer wants or needs one.
Carbon Emissions
As La Para London is online only retail platform, we are taking steps to make our website to be more low-carbon. This would mean updating designs and user experience (UX) with sustainable digital solutions such as an option to switch to dark mode, using smaller images to reduce data transfer, page weight and unnecessary page views and switching to a web host powered by renewable energy to reduce our digital footprint.
At a granular level, every single internet search consumes about 0.3 Wh of energy and contributes to the release of 0.2g of CO2 in the environment. There are many best practices advised with respect to the UI and UX of a website to make it greener. Rethinking website building practices will have a positive impact on climate change.
Our Policy
✓ We keep our energy consumption at a minimum, by ensuring we are using low energy lighting where possible to ensure we are not leaving rooms lit unnecessarily
✓ We minimise the amount of printed marketing materials by utilising technology for internal communications, document collaboration, meetings and other activities where we can share information digitally rather than in print
✓ We send as much administrative communication (e.g.customer invoices, delivery notes, order receipts) by email to reduce the use of paper
✓ We aim to dispose of as much obsolete IT and office equipment by sustainable routes such as recycling and clearance sale
✓ We promote our business development manager to travel more efficiently, by increasing the use of telephone and email communications and collaborating to share work and substitute travel requirements where possible
✓ We endorse flexible working and as such, have employees who work from home a number of days each week where possible
✓ We aim to keep abreast of sustainable products and brands and promote sustainable products to our customers to consider buying
✓ We promote customers to purchase eco-friendly products and other sustainable consumables
✓ We regularly promote our sustainability policy amongst our internal staff and external contacts
Our Aims for 2022
✓ Increase eco-friendly brands representation through promotion and marketing
✓ Increase percentage of eco-friendly brands available to at least 80% of available brands
✓ Increase percentage of eco-friendly products available to at least 80% of available products
✓ Maintain waste reduction policy
✓ Suggest improvements to online platforms (Website & Mobile App) with sustainable digital solutions
La Para London recognises the negative effects that businesses can have on the environment. Going green is not a quick fix, and it requires dedication and determination. But the effort can be beneficial for our business’ reputation and revenue, as more and more customers choose brands that contribute towards a clean environment. That’s why we’re committed to abiding by our business Sustainability Policy.
We are serious about our responsibility and commitment to a more sustainable future and welcome any suggestions or ideas to take this further. Please email gogreen@laparalondon.com